Tickle Sticks |
Tickle Sticks come in all shapes and sizes. They can range from $1
for a cheap straight fiberglass stick, to an elaborate $45 spring loaded lobster
diving snare / looper. My personal favorite is the $20 Pro Teaser lobster diving
extendible tickle stick as seen with the yellow handle below.
Below I have
compiled a list of some of the most common tickle sticks, and what I believe are the best, and why.
My absolute favorite and what you will find me using almost exclusively is the Pro Teaser
Lobster Diving Extendable Tickle Stick. There are numerous reasons why I love this particular
tickle stick. One of the biggest problems with most tickle sticks is that you lose them.
One of the great features of this tickle stick is that its handle is buoyant. If you drop
it, the metal tip will sink while the handle floats. This causes it to stand straight up
in the water and gives you about as good a chance as you could ask for of finding it.
Another key feature is the bright yellow handle. In the event that you misplace it in
the water, it really helps with its visibility. The handle also has a very good feel
in your hand. Most small tickle sticks are hard to hold, and end up cramping your hand
after using them all day. With a large grip, this handle is comfortable enough to use
all day. Another cool feature is the handy measuring device build into the handle.
This allows you to quickly figure out if the bug you have caught is a keeper or not.
If you want to save a few bucks, you can go with the basic Pro Teaser Lobster Diving
Tickle Stick. It has all of the same features as the above, except for the fact that
it is not extendable. At $15 it's a great buy if you are trying to save a few bucks.