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Lobstering...... FREE Boat Use.......

July 19th, 2013, 1:51 pm
by Storm
I have a fully equipped 23' Regal Valanti. I am a VERY avid boater and love to snorkel. I am looking for seasoned "buggers" that would like to show a first timer where some spots in Palm Beach County are. I will cover all boating expenses. You just come with your own equipment, license, and knowledge. I have my own gear and license and will cover fuel costs. You keep 100% of what you catch! Lets Go! Please reply to this post with your name and phone number and how many years you have gone out. I will not ask you to tell me where until we are out of the inlet. I am not just looking for "free information" but new friends as well. I do no scuba yet so shallow locations that can be free dived would be ideal. Thank you!

Re: Lobstering...... FREE Boat Use.......

August 6th, 2013, 3:43 pm
by DrElisa
Have you found out where to go yet? My snorkeling/SCUBA buddy & I are also interested in getting into spiny lobstering this season but we do not have a boat. If you are interested we could work as a team to find some spots via SCUBA, snorkeling or free diving. We are both available on Sats and Suns. Just let us know!
Re: Lobstering...... FREE Boat Use.......

August 7th, 2013, 3:02 pm
by OnefromTexas
Hello. I'm a guy from Texas who will be taking his family on vacation to Key Largo/Key West from 8/14 - 8/16. I'm interested in sharing expenses. I have ZERO experience in fishing/snorkeling for lobsters--but I'd love to at least hang out with someone who's doing it. I understand I have to get a temporary fishing license along with the lobster stamp, etc... I basically just want to come along. I don't dive, so this would have to be snorkeling or hookah (sp?). I don't really care if I catch any--I like the thrill of the hunt [plus, I can buy lobsters from a fish market and pose with them at the water to show my buddies here]--if it becomes necessary... LOL. BTW--we will be staying at the Hilton in Key Largo.
Re: Lobstering...... FREE Boat Use.......

August 7th, 2013, 3:54 pm
by ScbaGrl
Where are you located? We are going lobstering this weekend and I have done some research on the spots that we can check out. Let me know if this is something of interest. Thanks!
772 618 3395 - Lauren